
  • Sri Ayu Mutmainah Kurniawati Unversitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
  • Anik Indarwati Unversitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo


Parental Acceptance, Emotional Intelligence, Mentally Retardation, Parent


This study was aimed to determine the correlation between emotional intelligence and parental acceptance of mentally retardation. Respondent in this research were 114 parents, both fathers and mothers, of, at least, one child diagnosed with mentally retardation. The data were collected using scale adapted from parental acceptance-rejection/control Questionnaire (PARQ/C) by Rohner and Khaloque (2005) and the scale adapted from Schutte Self Report Intelligence Test (SSREIT) scale by Schutte (2009). The hypothesis said that there was positives correlations between emotional intelligence and parental acceptance of mentally retardation. Methods of data analysis used in this study was non-paramentric correlation test Spearman’s rho by SPSS 22. For Windows. The result showed that there was a positives correlations between emotional intelligence and parental acceptance of mentally retardation (r = 782 and p<0,05).


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